Sudiro Tungga Jaya Bus Ticket Booking
Sudiro Tungga Jaya or often abbreviated to STJ is a bus company originating from the City of Magetan, East Java, with intercity public transportation services. The owner, Agus Muhammad Syidik, initially managed an oil distribution business. Then, as the public's need for public transportation grew, he shifted his business to become an autobus service provider in 2014. From just a few ELF units, now Sudiro Tungga Jaya buses already have several fleets with quite large buses.
When it was first established, Sudiro Tungga Jaya only served the Ponorogo to Bogor (PP) and Ponorogo to Tangerang (PP) routes. Then, the Sudiro Tungga Jaya bus ticket expanded its routes to Sukabumi to Magetan , Karawang to Cepu , Ponorogo to Sukabumi , and many other routes. Sudiro Tungga Jaya Tiket divides routes based on certain divisions. For example, Division 1 East Java serves the Madiun area, Division 2 serves the Wonogiri area, and Division 3 Muria serves the Kudus and Pati areas.
Sudiro Tungga Jaya Services
Sudiro Tungga Jaya Bus always provides the best service for its passengers by providing facilities, routes and popular departure points, as well as economical prices for Sudiro Tungga Jaya bus tickets.
Sudiro Tungga Jaya Bus equips each of its fleet with the availability of Executive class which has 32 seats. By purchasing a Sudiro Tungga Jaya bus ticket, passengers will be provided with complete facilities. The facilities available from the Sudiro Tungga Jaya bus ticket price are air conditioning, reclining seats, charging point, leg rest, arm rest, TV, snacks, free food, pillows, blankets and toilets.
Popular Routes
Sudiro Tungga Jaya is a mainstay for passengers, especially in the East Java region to Central Java or JABODETABEK. The top and popular routes that passengers are interested in currently are -
- Sukabumi to Magetan
- Cibitung to Sukoharjo
- Karawang to Cepu
- Ponorogo to Sukabumi
- Sukabumi to Madiun
Popular Departure Points
Passengers can choose popular departure points provided by Sudiro Tungga Jaya tickets, namely:
- Sukabumi
- Cibitung
- Karawang
- Ponorogo
Sudiro Tungga Jaya Bus Ticket Prices
Sudiro Tungga Jaya departs its fleet every day starting in the morning. Sudiro Tungga Jaya bus ticket prices are usually around IDR 190,000 – IDR 210,000 depending on the destination route and the passenger's destination point.
Sudiro Tungga Jaya Headquarters
Jln. Raya Solo No. 123
Suratmajan, Maospati,
Magetan, East Java.
Tlp. 082245753903